Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This is about the Simic post.

So, I wanted to add something to yesterdays Simic post. I think that I was unfair to that woman who was ridiculous in the video. It was strange of me because I also often make an ass of myself around "creative types," but I did feel that her nodding was ingenuine but I should have been more sympathetic with it.

But what I think is strangest about this is that I have been thinking about how unfair I was to her all day today. And maybe this is the problem: people don't treat these "creative types" like normal people, there is this great misconception that they are all delicate flowers and that they need ingenuine appreciation (I blame the movie Garden State). So, I wanted to correct myself, and say that the woman below is not actually a bitch, but pretty human. That poetry is not a test, and that I shouldn't have judged her reaction so harshly (but then I also have to put in there that poetry is not a test and she should not have felt the need to let us all know that she figured out the 'secret' to the poem). There. I have parenthetically had the last word.

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